I am Helena & here is my story…
Hello, my name is Helena Boland. I would like to tell you very briefly why I am inviting you to come work with me. You see I am passionate about empowering others so all of you can help yourselves with whatever life has thrown at you.
My story begins in 2002 when I was diagnosed with ME or chronic fatigue syndrome. The prognosis was that I would be in bed for the rest of my life. I was forty-four years old. When I realised western medicine could not help, I embarked on a very personal journey of self-discovery to find a way out of chronic ill health. After spending two years predominantly in bed, I slowly but surely found amazing people who could help, they included a shaman, spiritual healers, breath coaches and emotional process practitioners.
By following my intuition, finding appropriate complimentary support and changing my diet, I overcame chronic illness.
Now I empower myself by doing the things I love such as writing, singing, being of service to others. Nowadays, I share my passion for empowering others through the programmes and events I offer from my Whalebones Wellbeing centre in Barnet, North London. With a background in education and psychology, combined with additional certifications in The Journey Method, Transformational Breath®, Enneagram coaching and Magnetic Mind coaching, I feel equipped to work with whatever issues you may present. I promise to share my enthusiasm, knowledge and skills to help you. Above all, I work with an open heart and mind to enable you bring about he changes you are seeking in your life. If you are even just a tiny bit curious about how I can help you, please contact me.

“By practicing deep meditation, I reached a state of bliss and understanding of a whole situation which I can change with visualisation and belief.”
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